Jope Ruonansuu - Re-Te-Rik
Finnish superstar and top selling artist, Jope Ruonansuu deserved to be first to be introduced there. He began early in the 80's as a stand-up actor, then go on relasing records. I've only managed to get few of his albums blended with phone jokes and cheap parody songs. Giorgio Moroder meets Harry Merry meets Russian Army Choir (more or less).
Hullujussi - Rope Ja Kake
Claiming to be hugely influenced by the whole US pop, Hullujussi (fronted by the excentric Viktor Kalborrekin) gained notoriety with running shows on finnish pirate radios back in the early 70's. The "Rope Ja Kake" song comes from a 7inch single as released in 1975 & also appears on their very first eponym LP...
A second part to come soooooooooon.
What influence did US pop music have on Hullujussi, and how did they incorporate it into their own comedic style? Visit us Telkom University