Unknown artist - side B - Part 3-1
Following our first post on the now classic E pak sa hero of the genre, finally come a bunch of digitalized tunes directly rippped from original korean ponchak tapes: strictly instrumentals, these are structured by groups of 3-4 songs played with same beat and autobass, while the whole tape is recorded using the same synth or group of synths and drum machine, covering what sounds like traditionnal themes and not necessarely representative of the usual techno-trot beat trademark.

Unknown artist - Side A part 4.mp3
Unknown artist - Side A part 2-1.mp3
Ponchak is often said to be music for truckdrivers, but the artwork suggests they're here probably more intended to be background music for circumstance events like dinners or celebrations, although such a level of cheesiness reveals these oddities' specific psychedelic power. With my apologies for the lack of artist's names in this post, I'd be happy if anyone could help on that side.
While trying to dig for infos that are scarce online, I discovered that a recent band is actually trusting the ponchak tags under the mysterious name of Bolbbalgan for what looks like a super appealing 2001 upgrade of the Ponchak idiom.
Researches in progress, more posts on the topic to follow soon here ...
J'aime beaucoup !
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