Les Freres Zergui - Khalti Fatima
Algerian early rai legendary band from the 70's who gained notoriety for imposing their "Abassi" music style playing (different to the Oranese one). They're beng collaborate with early Rai legends such as Groupe El Azhar, female rai singer Chaba Fadela amongs others...
The band was fronted by Ahmed Zergui (pic below) who go on after the group disbanded, releasing many other tapes. I can't really confirm if he's the same artist who appeared under "Cheb Zeguir" on Hicham Chadly's "Proto Raï" as they are quite a lot of: "Cheb Seguir", "Mohamed Zaguir", "Sghir" etc in the whole rai scene. (Anybody to confirm ?)
> Official Myspace HERE.
> Buy Ahmed Zergui music at Algerian Music Online Store.

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