Wong Jim 黃霑 - Hong Kong Christmas 又到聖誕
Santa Claus comes on the 6th of December and Jesus was born in October. Historically there is no reason to celebrate Xmas on the 25th and spend 24 hours of family madness with a distended stomach unless you’re a miscreant enslaved to the Law of Capital or late Christendom. But if you’re a Hong Kong humorist like Wong Jim, then you can sing it all year long and it's never too soon in Toyland.

This parodic medley was first uploaded by Zoundcracker - Godtube bless him. The album was released in 1990. Hong Kong was still a British colony then and the toy industry was flourishing. However "Uncle Jim" chose the middle way, and decided to mock both his communist and liberal neighbours in a classic buffoonish style. Followed by a children choir and a saxophone, he swings all the way down to the mall, trashing drunken fathers, warning against the coming of Deng Xiaoping, and praying for Hongkongers’ independence. Zoundcracker was charitable enough to post the lyrics in Chinese, Google will translate them for you.
(Santa Claus Is Coming To Town)
喂 又到聖誕 啦 又到聖誕
鄧小平is coming to town
趁又到聖誕 人就要嘆啦
阿鉅子誠都怕且就 yang
八番次共你聚聚 唱歌搭住晚飯
九七先至諗大鑊飯 係要今年玩多晚
趁佢又到聖誕 人扮下懶
伴你嘆下 撇甩左阿燦
趁鄧小平未黎到自己嘆 哈
八番次共你聚聚 唱歌搭住晚飯
九七先至諗大鑊飯 係要今年玩多晚
趁佢又到聖誕 人扮下懶
伴你嘆下 撇甩班阿燦
趁鄧小平未黎到自己嘆 哈
(Silent Night)
跳啦老豆 跳啦老豆 依家就跳夠喉
係話乜都會照舊 但係怕佢一轉左 tun 後
總之今晚跳先 聽朝事聽朝先抖
笑啦老豆 笑啦老豆 九七後怕應酬
儘量 long weekend 散多兩舊
總之依大個口 出年事出年追究
do . . do . . do . . do . .
醉啦老豆 醉啦老豆 酒精係你汽油
茅台 XO 都殺啦老豆 自便加冰水雪啦老豆
總之乜都係趁手 今晚未必有回頭
(Joy To The World)
乜鬼都買 好鬼高興
Christmas shopping shopping
一九九七一早注定 新衫新錶應早買定
莫待日後賣清 到時頭暈頭慶
今天不買 他朝盞慶
Shouting 小平 小平
因此今天不必冷靜 沙堡罌撐一早買定
莫待日後買清 到時頭暈頭慶
(We Three Kings Of The Orient Are)
香港你長是我的家 風打雨淋係我聖地
我愛香港 萬年亦不變 點肯點忍你別離
啊 我會發狂抱住你 我要永恒照住你
我愛 Hong Kong We Love Hong Kong
香港你長是我的家 千千百年係我聖地
我愛香港 熱誠絕不變 點都不會別離
啊 我會有頭有尾 永遠永恒照住你
我愛 Hong Kong We Love Hong Kong
(Away In A Manger)
一想起中國 我發奮做人
一想起東西德 我發力做人
同胞一德一心 會將牆撞冧
一想起中國 我發奮做人
抬頭望埋架仔 就自然勇敢
歐洲加洲乜洲 我拍住做人
同保可愛香港 要佢將來莫冧
一想起中國 我發奮做人
一想起淺水灣 我搏命做人
同保可愛香港 再講明就 chum
(We Wish You A Merry X'mas)
從聖誕想到日後 若果他朝一切未舊
如果九七肯押後 人人未洗換竇
同志無曬事 任我地自由
我個陣既家財 銀行十間未夠
臨聖誕許個願望 望香江好到日後
唔洗九七押後 人人停止互鬥
同志你快樂 換我地自由
我祝福你身裁 同埋肥肥互鬥
(Santa Claus Is Coming To Town)
喂 又到聖誕 又到聖誕
鄧小平 is coming to town
趁又到聖誕 人就要嘆啦
巨子誠都怕且就 咯
八番次共你聚聚 唱歌搭住晚飯
九七先至諗大鑊飯 係要今年玩多晚
趁佢又到聖誕 人扮下懶
伴你嘆下 撇甩左阿燦

Wish I can post more often next year
Big bisoux to all comrades
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